Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011

Liste meiner Dreamcast Spiele


Titel Version
Alone in the Dark The new Nightmare PAL
Blue Stinger PAL
ChuChu Rocket PAL
Daytona USA 2001 JAP
Dead or Alive 2 PAL
Deep Fighter PAL
F1 World Grand Prix PAL
Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves US
Grandia II US
Headhunter PAL
Hidden & Dangerous PAL
Metropolis Street Racer PAL
Mortal Kombat Gold PAL
Nomad Soul, The PAL
Roomania #203 JAP
Seaman US
Sega Extreme Sports PAL
Sega Rally 2 PAL
Shadow Man PAL
Shenmue PAL
Shenmue II PAL
Skies of Arcadia PAL
Sonic Adventure PAL
Soul Calibur PAL
Soul Reaver Legacy of Kain PAL
Star Wars Episode I Racer US
Starlancer PAL
Street Fighter Alpha 3 PAL
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike PAL
Street Fighter III Double Impact PAL
Super Speed Racing JAP
Tomb Raider Die Chronik PAL
Tomb Raider IV PAL
Virtua Fighter 3 tb PAL
Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000.1 PAL

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